Saturday, January 29, 2022

Loosing A Pet

     For my second blog I am going to blog about the lost of my first pet. I recently lost my dog on Christmas Day 2021. He was a Pitbull mix, named Max. He was our first family dog. He was a senior dog he was 14 years old, which if the saying is true one human year is seven in dog years he was old. We had gotten him from a family friend when he was just a puppy. My dad had always had a rule of no dogs so we brought him home in secret. I remember when my dad got home from work he was in shocked and bit mad but he ended up letting us keep him. 

    The day he passed it affected all my family but it affected me the most. He meant something to someone. He was a work out buddy to my brother and sister. He was companion to my dad when he would work outside. For me he was a companion and he taught me responsibility. It was hard loosing him. To be honest I never thought it would hurt so much to lose a pet. I was lucky enough to have friends who have gone through something similar and they helped me get through it. There are days when I still miss him, and wonder if I will be ready to find another companion. Only time will tell.  

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Spring Semester 2022

    Well spring semester has arrived at CSN. With it only been a week I am no short of work. IS101 is my class that so far has given me some work. It is a good thing I only take two classes a semester. Two classes is my limit as I do not want to overwhelm myself with school and work. My second class will also be a busy class as it seems I registered to an eight-week course, oops. Its ok though my job prepared me for this and my time management skills. This semester will definitely a semester where my time management skills will be tested. 

    Even though I will have a busy schedule in order to keep up with assignments, I am really looking forward towards the semester. I am looking forward to meeting new people. As for IS101 class, I am looking forward to expanding my computer and Microsoft Office skills. I am sure anything taken from this class will help me out in my future career. For now lets see what the spring semester brings.